Thursday, 16 June 2011

Corporate Branding and Campaigning

My interpretation of the brief is for us to take a stand in what we determine to be ethnically right , as to whether we want the Durban Point small craft market to be erected or not. The creation of a Corporate Identity, typeface, brochure and campaign would help us to realize the vastness of designing and campaigning for a company. It incorporates the more traditional style of design such as the corporate identities and logo designs alongside the more creative attributes to this project such as the campaigning and typeface. It allows for research and the development of ideas. 

Durban Paddle Ski Club Logo

Go Blue campaign Logo

Final  Corporate Identity
The Go Blue campaign originated from the world wide established  Go Green campaign. The term Go Green refers to saving the planet, the earth from the environmental hazards that we as humans create. Go Green’s manifesto is to reduce, reuse and to recycle in order to achieve their goals of preserving the earth and to slow down the effects of global warming. Go Blues primary target is to focus on the ocean. To save Vetch’s beach. To conserve, reserve and preserve Vetch’s beach. To conserve means to keep something in a safe or sound state; to save and protect. An explanation for reserve deters to keep in store for future use; to with hold from present use for another purpose or time or to retain. The definition of Preserve means to keep or save from injury or destruction; to guard or defend from evil, harm and danger. From these words I was able to begin exploring various aspects to my campaign.

Campaign Poster and billboard signage

One of the most vital aspects to my campaign revolves around painting the town blue. I wanted to depict how easily and almost how much fun it would be to get involved with painting the town Blue, somewhat how when you’re going for a fun night out on the town you would refer to ‘painting the town red’. Conserve refers to the beach, reserve refers to the water and preserve refers to its heritage. and DPSC of Vetch’s beach.


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